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How Bipolar Mood Swings Can Affect Work

December 28, 2022
person working at a desk and typing on laptop
December 28, 2022

We’ve all experienced mood swings before. Some days we feel great, while on others, we feel miserable. Our mood can affect both our home and work performance.

Though, people living with bipolar disorder experience a more severe level of highs and lows that aren’t necessarily comparable to the mood swings of an average person. 

Radical mood swings related to bipolar disorder can affect your productivity and personal well-being, therefore impacting your ability to work. 

We’ll look into bipolar symptoms and consider some treatment plans to combat this lifelong condition and get you back to being a productive and happy worker.

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

People who suffer from bipolar disorder are often described as having mood swings. These mood swings include periods of elated moods (also known as “mania”) followed by extremely negative moods (also known as “depression”). 

High energy levels, erratic sleeping, and feelings of euphoria mark manic episodes.

Meanwhile, depressive episodes are characterized by lethargy, apathy, and feelings of extreme sadness.

Bipolar Disorder and Work Challenges

People with bipolar disorder face unique problems in the workplace. Co-workers and bosses, on the whole, often don’t understand the condition’s effects.

However, many people with bipolar disorder manage it well enough to hold jobs.

Though, the effects of this mental health condition can have a detrimental impact on daily life if necessary treatment isn’t provided. 

Intervention is often necessary to improve a daily life that is often influenced by shifts in mood.

Managing bipolar at work

People experiencing bipolar disorder symptoms must plan their work carefully and with attention to detail. Here are some tips for managing bipolar disorder symptoms at work.

1. Know your bipolar symptoms

Learn what you experience during manic episodes and how to recognize the warning signs of depressive symptoms.

2. Keep up with medication

Maintain consistent medication levels throughout the day. If you miss doses, you risk mood swings and side effects that may impact your ability to work productively.

3. Stay organized

You can avoid stressful events by organizing your work life.

For example, focus on one task before moving to another one. Making a checklist is also recommended for those suffering from bipolar disorder.

As you complete each task, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. After that, focus on the next assignment.

Bipolar Disorder and Your Work Schedule

Many people with bipolar disorder seek out flexible work environments where they can adjust their schedule according to their mood swings.

Though, a regular schedule promotes order and stability and is more highly recommended for those suffering from bipolar disorder. When you know what to expect from day to day, it makes it easier to plan ahead and avoid stress.

Irregular working conditions can disrupt your mood and therefore negatively impact your ability to work.

The Need for Transparency at Work With Your Bipolar Disorder

Many people with bipolar disorder are like everyone else — except they experience mood swings.

And while some people with bipolar disorder don’t want others to know about their illness, there are ways to talk about it without being stigmatized.

So consider sharing your condition with your employer. If you think your mood episodes could impact your ability to do your job, you may want to share your diagnosis with your boss.

This way, they can understand your risk factors and develop a way to manage your work to lower your stress levels. 

Overcoming Bipolar Disorder for a Productive Life

A workplace is often a stressful place for everybody. Unfortunately, the workplace can be even more stressful for those living with bipolar disorder. 

But there are many ways to cope with bipolar disorder at work, such as:

  • Take extra breaks throughout the day.
  • Talk to your supervisor about your symptoms. Ask what he or she thinks you could do differently to help yourself feel better.
  • Set boundaries.  For example, set an agreed time when you refrain from taking any telephone calls.
  • Keep track of your moods. Write down your feelings and thoughts. Then talk to your doctor about the mood swings you’re experiencing in the workplace.

Medications usually treat bipolar disorder in the initial stage, especially during acute episodes. However, psychological treatments are often recommended after medications fail to control symptoms.

In addition, lifestyle changes are often concurrently needed, alongside other therapies, to overcome bipolar disorder.

Treating Bipolar Disorder

NeuroSpa Therapy Centers provide a wide range of therapies to heal your medical conditions and overcome mental disorders affecting your work and life. These forms of treatment include:

  • Talk therapy
  • Magnetic stimulation (not FDA cleared)
  • Sleep evaluation
  • Medication

We know that your everyday life suffers from the adverse effects of these mood episodes and will create an effective treatment plan to help overcome the effects of bipolar disorder.

Overcoming Bipolar Disorder

With bipolar disorder, the rapid cycling between manic symptoms and depressive episodes can affect your work performance.

As a result, you may have reduced performance, decreased quality of life, and general unhappiness.

Knowing you have the condition and understanding your rights as a worker are important steps to take in managing bipolar disorder in the workplace. It is also important to choose the right forms of therapy to ensure that every day at work isn’t seen as a traumatic event.

Reach out to NeuroSpa Therapy Centers to arrange a free consultation.

This blog post is meant to be educational in nature and does not replace the advice of a medical professional. See full disclaimer.